I specialise in writing instruction for the essay part 2 question which is always the hardest to get a high band score in. Although I will also extensively cover all 4 parts of the test.
Here is an overview of what we will go over.
The IELTS Writing test is designed to assess a wide range of writing skills, including how well you:
- Write a response appropriately
- Organise ideas
- Demonstrate that you have understood the question
- Can argue showing both sides of a debate
- Use a range of vocabulary and grammar accurately
- Write clearly, organise your ideas and use varied lexis
The IELTS Writing test takes 60 minutes. Spend 20 minutes on Task 1, and 40 minutes on Task 2.
You will need to manage your own time, so make sure you move on to Task 2 after 20 minutes.
Two tasks
There are two tasks in the IELTS Writing test. You will be asked to write at least 150 words for Task 1 and at least 250 words for Task 2.
IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training Writing tests
The content of the Writing test is different for IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training tests.
IELTS Academic Writing test
Write in a formal style in the IELTS Academic Writing test.
In Task 1 you will be presented with a graph, table, chart or diagram. You will be asked to describe, summarize or explain the information in your own words. This might involve describing and explaining data, describing the stages of a process or how something works, or describing an object or event.
In Task 2 you will be asked to write an essay in response to a point of view, argument or problem. You should find the issues interesting and easy to understand.
The importance of planning
Planning an essay is the best way to achieve a band 7 score on the Task 2 IELTS writing task. The essay takes 40 minutes to complete but you should take at least 10 minutes to plan your essay before you start to write.
Examiners will give you a higher score if your essay is clear to read. If the essay is well planned your essay will be easier to follow.
Make sure your essay uses ‘information chunking’. This is the way you can write by separating your essay into logical sections or ‘chunks’ so it is easier to follow.

Creating ideas for your essay
The examiner will give you a high band score if you present a number of clear relevant ideas to support your argument or point of view.
Ideas should be organized into three basic categories: positions, main ideas and supporting ideas. These will form the order and content of each of your paragraphs.
For more information on how to create and use these email seb@theredink.co.uk
IELTS General Writing test
The topics used in the IELTS General Training Writing test are of general interest.
In Task 1 you will be presented with a situation and asked to write a letter requesting information or explaining the situation. You can write the letter in a personal, semi-formal or formal style.
In Task 2 you will be asked to write an essay in response to a point of view, argument or problem. You can use a fairly personal style.
Are you looking for help with passing your IELTS writing test? Find out more in the courses page here